Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Doctor's office exam room

Doctor: You have some "cobble-stoning." I think it's allergies, not ... (there's a knock at the door). Excuse me. (He cracks open the door, a hand appears with a Post-It note attached. I cant' read what it says). Would you excuse me for a minute? I'm really sorry.

Me: Sure, go ahead.
Doctor (in the hallway, voice muffled through closed door): Uh-huh. Yeah. I think that's what the reading says. No ... no. It's going to say that. I wanted you to know. Yeah. Uh-huh.

(rest of conversation inaudible).

Nurse: Doctor? I wanted you to...

Doctor: Hold on (long pause).

Nurse: I wanted you to know that D____ is coming tomorrow at 11:30. Type II diabetes and there's a change in medication that she wants you to be aware of. I know you're not on til noon, but I wanted you to know she'll be here at 11:30.

Doctor: Yeah.

Nurse: Also, there will be deli sandwiches. (Inaudible) is bringing deli sandwiches.

Doctor: Uh-huh.

Nurse: So I wanted you to know.
(photo from Truthout's Flickr)


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the tautologically obvious, "so I just wanted you to know," -type comments. You have said it, but something in you requires you to announce what you have said in attempt to (passive-aggressively) make sure everyone knows you f'in said it. sa-weet.

LB said...

Wait, I thought the FDA banned the free lunches. Or maybe that was just the giant lasagna trays for the entire office they had 10 years ago when my mom worked in medical billing.